The Making of Hornbeam, A Golden Bach

Star Riparetti

I knew Hornbeam grew in Arkansas, and in my area. I had checked with many sources. Both books, and those knowledgeable about Arkansas trees. Looking for this tree (and some other Bach remedies) motivated me to join the Arkansas Native plant society, as well as taking the Arkansas Master Naturalist course. I was searching and searching. I took hikes, and found them, just not in bloom, or not in perfect bloom.

Then one day a friend who had been helping with the search said he thought that he had seen the tree at my dear friends Kayse and Gary's house, who lives right down the street from me. Ahhhhh - could it be that easy? Yes! Another case of everything that could go right, went right. It was growing right in front of their home, and it was in full glorious bloom.  



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The Making of Holly, A Golden Bach

Star Riparetti

March 12th, 2017

Holly. It has my attention. They are growing all over town. I’ve been looking at them for weeks. There is one in my yard the size of a small tree that I have been loving, as well as every other holly I see around town. Especially since it is one of the few things that has stayed green during the winter. The one in my yard has been calling me to come look at it - sometimes several times a day.

And then, in the midst of a morning full moon meditation the message was: today’s the day. Everything was perfect, and (of course) everything that could go right went right. The day after a nice rain, so everything is clean and pure and the sun is out. Fully. And it’s all about LOVE. How perfect. It brings us more into our hearts, which is always useful. 


(Can you see the hearts!)

The Golden Bach’s hold new energetic light codes. Their DNA structure is advanced. They hold a new level of light and nourishment for us. They feed our new physical light bodies.

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She Will Always Remain the MAGIC in my HEART

Aanjelae Rhoads4 comments
To know her was to love her, and so many people did. It’s the end of an era.

R.I.P. Magic Heart
After 20 plus years of service my dear, sweet kitty Magic Heart has gone to kitty heaven, where she is a big time kitty goddess angel.

This is a cat who had more than 9 lives. She had flower essences nearly every day of her long life.

For many years she hung out during the day in the Star Essence office where the office angels would let her have the run of the place, and usually have a special cup on one of their  desks with water and essences in it just for for Magic Heart. I also had a glass for her on my counter.

You could often find MH in someones lap. Here she is with Harry - my dear friend that also made his transition to the realms of the angels recently. I know he loved her as well. In spite of how vocal she was, and even when she (accidentally) scratched him.

My dear friend and personal chiropractor Dr. Margarita said “Oh sweet healing cat, most vocal one, MAGIC HEART… so good you were with your family… she was an amazing little being. I loved how she helped me during sessions." She would often jump on the table when Dr. Margarita was working at the office.
My friend Julie helped me bring her, and my other kitty (Inca) across the country from Santa Barbara to Hot Springs, Arkansas. We drove straight through, on account of the cats. They hadn’t met each other (Inca lived on the ChaskaNorte land and Magic Heart lived in town).
They each thought they were only cats, so it made for an interesting ride that Julie deemed one of her top “burn your underwear” trips. We felt if we stopped at a motel and let Inca out, we would never get her back - so we opted not to stop. 

Here is a photo of Magic Heart and Inca. Inca waiting patiently for Magic Heart to move away from her (Inca’s) food.  

Right around November 11th (11:11), Magic Heart didn’t eat for about 3 days (and she had become a 3 can a day girl). My friend Kayse and I even did last rites for her out on Lake Ouachita - then she rallied. I feel she felt my fear of finding her deceased. I never wanted her to be in pain (and I don’t think she was) and I never wanted to have to make the decision to put her down. I’m sure she knew that, and chose to leave while I was absent. While she was in the care of sweet neighbors who took care of everything, and I was with my human family.
Dear Magic Heart made a peaceful transition while I was gone for Thanksgiving, and my kind friend and neighbor Stephanie was taking care of her. We had spoken about the possibility of her passing, even though she seemed to be doing well, so Stephanie was somewhat prepared.
While I feel a deep sadness, I also feel relief, as I knew she was nearing the end of this assignment. I know she is doing big time good and fun things in kitty heaven.
So many of you who visited the office on Yanonali or took classes there, met her. I feel her presence still very strongly.  Every time I walk in the door and she isn’t here to greet me. The things about her I took for granted. And she was, indeed, on of the most talkative kitties ever. VERY opinionated and high profile.
As I sit here writing, Magic Heart has become very present. She has been around a lot recently. Every time I come home and open the door - she seems to be there. Often in the kitchen I find myself almost stepping over her. Now, she is talking to me about enjoying all of the essences I used with her. Most recently I was using Happy Pet, because it has Balance and Stability and Faith and Courage in it. It was my previous cat (Lilac) who wanted that formula, and I so created the Happy Pet constellation. It’s like a pet rescue remedy, and covers a lot of bases. I sprayed the Happy Pet Spray all over and around Magic Heart's bed, especially in the final weeks, and it kept that frequency sweet. At her end times, she spent a lot of time there. I put the Happy Pet drops in her water, and on my hands sometimes when I was holding her and petting her.
All of the animal formulas that I made after Happy Pet came from necessity, for Magic Heart. They are the only “medications” of any kind she had after I got her (except for an occasional over the counter flea treatment). My granddaughters gave her to me for Christmas, and she did have her baby kitty shots.
Magic Heart is letting me know she is going help me expand our essences for animals. They even helped her when she had a stroke (yes, she had so many lives). What we have so far for animals in addition to our Happy Pet, is our Kidney Formula which were both birthed to help Magic Heart. When she was sick and I checked on the internet, she had classic symptoms. When I was looking at the medications offered, the ones that resonated most were the homeopathic ones. Then Magic Heart would tell me to make her up a flower and gemstone remedy, so I did, and they worked.
Magic Heart had a long, loving life. I miss her.

Another dear friend and neighbor, Veronica,  gave me this poem:

Thanks for giving me the good life of being your little cat.
For all the years of a purrrrrrrfect life, and so much more than that.
A new life now, we’ll live, both you and I, and never will we part,
because my Love will remain
The Magic in your Heart

Photos shared by our beloved office angels from the Santa Barbara Office: 

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Bring your garden to life with flower essences

Brandy Oswald

Plant love

Spring has officially sprung! It’s that time of year when many of us lace up our boots, grab our gloves, and take to the backyard to begin work on our gardens. We rake and dig and plant, hoping to be snacking on our favorite veggies in just a few short weeks. For many, it’s also a time to start prepping the vibrant floral gardens that will greet us in the height of summer. Ahh, what a beautiful time of year!

Sometimes though, despite our best efforts, things don’t go according to plan. Certain crops don’t come in as intended. Some years your favorite flower might never let you peek at its radiant petals. This year, doesn’t have to be like that. Here at Star Essence, we’re bringing you a whole lotta plant love in the form of, well, our beloved Plant Love essence blend.

Whether you’re looking for essence support from germination to cultivation, or simply looking to revive a not-so-healthy plant - this blend was made for you (and your gardens too!).

Infuse your garden with life and love this spring with the help of our Plant Love essence blend. Plant Love is a unique formula of essences that act as soul food for plants, helping healthy plants thrive and not-so-healthy plants bounce back to life.

Plant Love essence blend features:
  • Anchoring Light for groundedness and planetary light work
  • Nature Communion for heightened connection to the natural world and increased fertility
  • One Heart for unity, high frequency, and love
  • Be Nurtured as a plant-based mother’s milk offering loving support and nurturing
  • Willow  for easy adaptability
  • Emerald for physical strength and health
  • 24k Gold for immunity and strength
  • Poppy Jasper for a deeper connection to earth and animal energies


How to use Plant Love in your garden:

Option 1 - Put 3 drops in a triangle around the plant, a Plant Love trilogy of sorts.

Option 2 - Add 3 drops of Plant Love in the shape of a triangle to a bucket of water, along with any other plant nutrients you wish to use, and stir 11 times in an infinity (8) pattern.

Option 3 - Add Plant Love drops to the water of your cut flowers. They will love it!

Option 4 - Use Plant Love throughout the seed germinating process

For general plant health, use once a week. If the plant is ailing it might want the energetic plant elixir more often - every other day, or perhaps even more frequently.

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Spring Cleaning - Powerful ways to ditch negative energy this spring

Brandy Oswald

spring cleaning

Growing up the change from winter to spring was also met by many changes right at home. It was the time of year when my mother would scurry around the house to perform her yearly spring cleaning. Winter sweaters and jackets were placed in tote bins and moved back down to the basement. Thick, heavy drapes were replaced with bright, sheer linens. Cabinets were cleared and closets were cleaned, oh were the closets cleaned!

As a household we lightened our load every spring. As the heavy clothes retreated to the basement and the mountain of clothes that no longer fit were donated to Goodwill, our physical load lightened - and so did our family energy. Suddenly, life seemed lighter, brighter, and full of ease. Any dark, negative energy lingering from the dark winter days was swept away along with the rock salt on the boot trays.

Now that it is officially spring, I’ve been thinking - What does spring cleaning look like for me?

The truth is that I crave simplicity, which is why I don’t have many excess things at home. For this reason, spring cleaning doesn’t necessarily look like a complete closest reassessment. Instead, spring cleaning for me is more about reevaluating the energies in my life. It is becoming intentional about which energies no longer fit and letting them go. It is also about recognizing which energies feel really wonderful and allowing them to move to the front of the energy closet, so to speak.

This year, spring cleaning for me is less of a closet conundrum and more of an energetic evaluation. If you’re looking to trade the closet redesign for an energetic overhaul, Star Essence has a few powerful essence blends to guide your spring cleaning.

Reach for our Shield of Light essence blend to enhance harmonic frequencies around you so that nothing disruptive can enter your field. This one is especially beneficial when visiting places with potentially harsh energy where one desires to be of service without being adversely affected.

Looking for an elixir of light this spring? Vortex of Harmony is for you. This essence blend supports the matrix of light within and around us to keep our vibration aligned with peace, well-being, and the highest good. This formula promotes an elevation of thoughts to move us out of fear and negativity and into higher vibrations. Vortex of Harmony also offers protection from outside influences and supports remaining in balance as external occurrences take place.

Get creative with your spring cleaning

Of course you can take these essences orally, which is the most traditional way to use them. However, it can be fun to get creative and use the essences in new and exciting ways this spring. Try adding Shield of Light and Vortex of Harmony to your favorite room sprays to clear negative energy while you clear unwanted odors. Place a few drops of essences in cleaning solutions to simultaneously eliminate germs and negative energy. One of my favorites is to add essences to bathwater and soak in a warm pool of positive vibes!

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Staff Picks - Top 5 Flower Essences for Spring

Brandy Oswald

Lilac Flower EssenceIt’s official - Spring has sprung! Despite having lived in the northeast region of the United States for my entire life, I have never grown fond of the chilly, dark winters. Throughout the winter months you can find me daydreaming of barefeet, beach days, and warm sunshine on my skin. Each year as spring arrives I notice my energy begins to shift. Optimism, joy, and a rekindled connection to nature flow back into my life. 

As we move into one of my favorite times of year, I am excited to bring you my Staff Picks - a round-up of my favorite flower essences for spring. It’s all about letting go of darkness and moving into the joyful light of spring. Are you ready? I know I am! 

Brandy’s Staff Picks - Top 5 Flower Essences for Spring


1. Complete with the Past 

What happens in winter, stays in winter? Not quite, but with our Complete with the Past lilac flower essence you can leave winter behind you, while embracing a balanced connection with your past. This is also a great essence for slowing down and taking it easy. Yes, please! 

2. Nature Communion

In truth this Andean orchid essence is one of my favorite flower essences for every season. There’s no wrong time of year to connection with nature and harness its beautiful energy. However, while plants and wildlife tend to lie dormant in winter, spring ushers in a season of joyful rebirth. As the world around you comes to life, use the Nature Communion essence to fully connect to the energy of the natural world. This essence is especially great when spending time in nature. Think - camping, gardening, hiking, and more!

3. Pure Joy

Promote renewed enthusiasm this spring with the Pure Joy orange blossom flower essence. This essence supports moving into spring with joy and elation - and maybe some barefeet and sunbathing!

 4. Purification

It’s time for spring cleaning! From our closets to our diets, many folks use the spring season as a time to cleanse and purify our bodies, homes, and lifestyles. The Purification Peruvian flower essence is perfect for promoting balance during the cleansing process. Happy spring cleaning!

5. Otter Delight

Okay, so this one isn’t a flower essence, but I couldn’t help myself. The Otter Delight animal essence so wonderfully encapsulates the playful spirit of the Giant Amazon River Otter, infusing those who use it with a sense of joyful play. The perfect addition to spring!

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Astrology & Essences - Unique Pairings for Aries

Brandy Oswald

The vibrancy of spring ushers in the season of energetic, devoted Aries. Our Aries friends, born approximately March 21 to April 19, are strong natural born leaders with a beautiful capacity to care deeply for others. As one of the passionate, temperamental fire signs, Aries tends to crave adventure, action, and often serve as a source of inspiration for others.

Occasionally, this strong, energetic fire sign can become impatient, self-centered, and impulsive. They want to keep the fire burning bright and living in the realm of action!

For both the highs and the lows, the good and the bad, there are flower and gemstone essences that are perfect for Aries. Every vibrational essence uniquely addresses particular emotional states or tendencies. It is for this reason that essences pair so well with the astrological world. Essences harness the relationship between the frequencies of the human body (emotions, thoughts, and spirit) and the frequencies, or vibrational energy, of the natural world. Similarly, astrology explores the relationship between the frequencies in our bodies and the frequencies of the planets. While it might seem that essences and astrology are unrelated, they both address the energetic relationship between nature and the human body. For this reason, vibrational essences offer powerful support for each of the zodiac signs.

Aries, let’s raise your frequency and get you vibrating at an all-time high!

Below are a list of Star Essence flower and gemstone essences to help support the positive characteristics of your sign and additional essences to help counter any undesired Aries characteristics.

How it works:

Essences listed next to positive characteristics work to support and encourage the associated positive trait. Essences listed next to less desirable characteristics work to counteract the associated trait.


March 21 to April 19

Fiery, passionate Aries, you bring warmth and excitement to the transition from winter into spring. You showed up to life as a natural born leader; strong, dynamic, and ready for action. Support your vibrant energy with our Pure Joy orange blossom flower essence, while enhancing your leadership abilities with our Solar Power sunflower essence.

For those times when you feel impatient reach for our  Deep Breath eucalyptus flower essence. Release self-centered tendencies and better serve those you lead with our Cooperative Service Humboldt Lily flower essence. 

Essences for Aries Qualities:

Enthusiastic ~ Eternal Youth, Pure Joy (Orange Blossom)

Dynamic ~ Spunky (Heart-leaved Penstemon), Fire Opal

Leader ~ Male Strength (Agave), Solar Power (Sunflower), Diamond

Strong ~ Echinacea Energy (Purple Cone Flower), Strength and Chi (Fava), Bloodstone

Impatient ~ Impatiens, Deep Breath (Eucalyptus), Holy Harmony Spray

Headstrong, Impulsive ~ Vervain

Self-Centered ~ Cooperative Service (Humboldt Lily), Light Codes of Unification


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Introducing the Beloved, Rare Connemara Marble

Brandy Oswald1 comment
Connemara Gemstone Essence
Last September we received an e-mail from a faithful customer (thank you Noell!) asking us if we had an essence of Connemara Marble. She said that it is around 500 million to over 900 million years old and can only be found in Ireland. Ahhhh the magical syncronicities - It just so happened that at that EXACT time my granddaughter was visiting Ireland. Yes, my granddaughter Kelsea who is now the managing partner of Star Essence. The guardians of the Connemara Marble got my attention. Thanks to technology, I could immediately text Kelsea and the rest is history. She found some of the Connemara Marble and sent it to me. I knew there would be a perfect moment to make it. That moment turned out to be Dec. 2 - my daughter Cara’s birthday. It felt like a good day to give birth to an essence. I was guided to a fairly remote location on Lake Ouachita, AR about an hour away from where I live now, and I made it there.  
Connemara Marble Gemstone Essence
Connemara is one of the rarest marbles because of it’s limited supply. It comes in 40 shades of green and has a high magnesium content, which is is thought to aid in the absorption of calcium and magnesium. This is very important as many of us are lacking magnesium and taking supplements. It can also be useful to take the magnesium energetically - with this special gem essence.


The Many Gifts of Connemara Marble

Connemara Marble heightens our ability to connect with the elemental kingdom and the Nature spirits, especially the faerie realm. You can pair this with the orchid essence Nature Communion for an enhanced Nature experience.

Connemara Marble Gemstone EssenceIt also addresses the heart chakra, connects us to our ancestors (especially the Celtic & Gaelic connection), and promotes inner wisdom and common sense. Connemara Marble has also been known to help remember dreams connecting with Celtic and Gallic past lives. In addition, it provides access to the spiritual history of earth and creates a sense of peace, tranquility, restoration, and healing. This powerful gemstone also promotes love, emotional harmony, trust, and empathy. In fact, the famous Blarney Stone (kiss it and your wish will come true) is made of Connemara Marble! 

In regards to physical ailments, Connemara Marble helps with bone marrow disorders, viral and bacterial infections, sore throats, lower back pain, blood pressure issues, colds, and inflammation. 

What a powerful, wise gemmie!

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    Welcome to StArkansas

    Star Riparetti5 comments

    About a year ago, a friend sent me a link to a channeling. For some reason, I woke up at 3 in the morning and listened to it. It spoke of the crystals in Arkansas and in Brazil being activated at a new level beginning 2015. I felt very strongly that I should go there and receive those transmissions. I decided 4 days would be plenty of time. I could handle 4 days in Arkansas.

    I ended up taking a powerful group of women there with me in June of 2016. While I was there (which is now HERE) I kept saying “I could live here.” The universe quickly conspired to make that happen.  

    The Backstory:

    My granddaughter Kelsea told me, in no uncertain terms, NOT to put any more money into my Honda (which had 211,000 miles on it) even though they were working on it at that moment. She said “cut your loses”. With her advice, I ended up buying a new car. The reason I tell you this is because if I hadn’t had a new car begging for a road trip when I got back from Arkansas this awesome new adventure might never have happened.

    Anyone who knows me knows that I follow signs (syncronicities) and my bliss. As soon as I got back from Arkansas, I really wanted to jump in my car and go back. I didn’t want to wait until September or October as I had “planned”. Everything fell into place for me to leave town. I took a leisurely trip, stopping at dessert hot springs, and visiting friends along the way. Kayse’s next door neighbor and friend Annie offered me a place to stay in Hot Springs. That was awesome! 

    Star Arkansas

    I arrived back in Hot Springs, AR on the afternoon of Tuesday, July 12th. Kayse met me with fresh squeezed green juice. That was a nice sign. We went to THE Lake. Ahhhhh- that was glorious. Worth the trip for sure!  Another nice sign.  

    After our time on the lake, Kayse wanted to visit some friends down the street from where she lived to say good bye because they were moving moving out of state. While visiting I found out their place was for sale or rent. They moved out on Thursday, I meditated and made a very quick decision and called the owners. I made an appointment to meet with them the next day. They already had appointments with other people. I meditated again to know if I should take it, if they would rent it to me.  I got a resounding yes- which really was mind blowing. This was totally out of left field and seemed quite crazy. As it turned out they liked me and they rented it to me with an option to buy! They were so generous! They brought me an airbed, a camp chair, bed sheets, and a pillow!! They even blew up the airbed with the generator in their motor home because the power was temporarily out. That was everything I needed. Remember - I had absolutely no plan to move at that moment or to rent a place. I was just coming to check it out.   

    Every single move seemed divinely choreographed.  

    It felt like I had to accept this this cute lake house with a boat dock that is located right down the street from my new bestie, Kayse. Holy Divine Choreography! Every single thing had fallen into place. The timing was impeccable. I feel every guide I have collaborated to get me here, and I am SO GRATEFUL.  

    Who knew there was life beyond Santa Barbara? Certainly not me.

    A dear friend asked me 2 months before this happened if I would ever leave Santa Barbara. I said no. I’d rather live in a closet in Santa Barbara than in a mansion somewhere else. I’m eating those words, and happy to do so.

    Now that I’ve been here for a little over 6 months the question that arises is what do I love about being here?  Let me count the ways.

    When my mother moved to Santa Barbara (from Tennessee- before I was born) there was one stop light in the town. Living in Santa Barbara all of my life, I had become accustomed to the growing traffic. People talked about it, and I was like the frog in that slow boiling water. I didn’t realize it was happening - that is, until I left for awhile and went back. Yikes! I love all the country roads here in Hot Springs. Birds, trees, water, and even driving around you encountered very little traffic and lots of gorgeous trees. Even the “freeway” isn’t like its Californian equivalent. Here 5 o’clock traffic means waiting for two traffic lights, but there is even a shortcut that my local friend showed me to escape the wait.

    The downtown is exceptionally cute and colorful and in the process of undergoing a revitalization. They have a first Friday art walk, which I went to recently. It was super fun. They also have a documentary film festival that has been going on for many years. I’m already starting to see people I’ve met before. It reminds me of how Santa Barbara was 30, 40, 50 years ago.

    There is also lots of water, including excellent spring drinking water for free! You can go into town and visit any of 5 specific locations to fill your bottles with clean, delicious spring water.

    There are so many places to explore nearby, including the Garvan Woodland Gardens. I love the Santa Barbara botanic gardens and the Garvan Woodland Gardens is well on par with them. In fact, the Garvan Woodland Gardens are three times the size of the Santa Barbara botanic gardens and is located on the lakefront. It features flowers, hiking, bridges, and even classes. My kind of Disneyland! 

    I also went to the Daffodil Festival in Camden recently. It’s nice to have new festivals. How many Santa Barbara Fiesta Parades have I attended?! Probably 70! It’s time for something new in my life!!! 


    Star Arkansas

    If you're interested in cultural activities, Little Rock has more than you can even imagine.  I went to a garden show there a few weeks ago that was off the charts for me. They had a photo booth which is where the above photo was taken. 

    And, of course there are the hot springs, which are inside beautiful bath houses. This is the thing to do in the winter when the lake water is fairly cold. People come from all over the world to soak in the bath houses and their hot spring waters.

    Another thing to note is that there aren’t as many rules regarding building and what you are allowed to do on your land. If you are in the county, you can pretty much do what you want. FREEDOM! 

    Lake Ouachita

    And the main thing - The Lake -  Lake Ouachita. Running beneath Lake Ouachita is the largest vein of Quartz in the country.

     Lake Ouachita

    Miraculously, I got a boat with a slip at a perfect Marina 20 minutes from my house - the slip being a very important piece. Slips are challenging to get unless you buy a boat with one, which I was able to do (very affordably).  

    Lake OuachitaThe boat allows us to get out into the lake where the vortexs are, and in the summer the water is so warm you can swim there any time, day or night. It’s safe. We swam at midnight under a full moon. Yumm.  

    I feel going into that water is transformational. It feels like that is part of my mission, part of why I was guided here, to get people into that water for a crystalline baptism. 

    In actuality, Lake Hamilton and Lake Ouachita are two separate lakes. No one lives on Lake Ouachita - making it one of the cleanest lakes in the country. There are 200 islands on it where you can visit or camp for free. Lake Ouachita feeds lake Hamilton - which is where I live. I also have a boat dock there, as well.

    Of course there are the crystals and minerals, too. You can find quartz nearly everywhere, so things are a buzz - a very sweet buzz. There are places to go and dig for them. There's even a place to dig for diamonds. Feels like being on the fast track for awakening, if that is what you choose.

     Lake Ouachita

    Affordability comes into play as well, though that was not the driving force, it is what allowed me to move here even before my land in Santa Barbara has been sold.  I am trusting that will happen very soon, and that it will afford me the ability to create some spaces for visitors.  I already have the boats to play on.  

    Did you know Arkansas is called “The natural state”? Or that the license plates feature a diamond? It’s gorgeous here. I always thought Santa Barbara was paradise.  Many people here say welcome to paradise. This is truly a hidden treasure.  It’s hard for me to imagine that this lake is such a secret. It has expanded my mind, heart and soul in such a good way. To me, this whole area feels like a new Machu Picchu and it's as if the lake is connected to Lake Titicaca. I have synchronistic stories about that too, but this is already too long!

    So think about coming to the retreat in June. It will be pure Blisssssssss!  Or as my friend Kayse says Bliss ola.

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    7 Joyful Ways to Beat the Winter Blues

    Brandy Oswald


    joyful ways to beat the winter blues

    We are in it - the depths of winter.  For many, the winter blues have officially set in. It happens to us all. The good news is that there are many blissful ways to experience joy and positivity even in the coldest, darkest months of winter.

    As philosopher and writer Albert Camus so eloquently stated, In the depth of winter I finally learned that there was in me an invincible summer.

    Tap into your invincible summer with these 7 joyful ways to beat the winter blues...

    1. Spend time in nature

    With chilly winter temperatures and fewer hours of sunlight per day, it can be challenging to get outside during the winter months. Prioritize 20 minutes a day to suit-up and head for the great outdoors. Spending time in nature has a beautiful way of lifting our spirits and infusing us with joy and optimism - not to mention the benefits of some good ol’ vitamin d. Warm sun, fresh air, perhaps even some snow-covered hills - reconnect to the many joys of nature!

    Need a little motivation to get outside this winter? Try our Nature Communion, Andean orchid essence, for enhancing not only your connection to nature, but your connection to your own physical body as well.

    2. Stretch out the winter blues

    Physical activity is a great way to support joy and well-being throughout winter. Physical activity releases endorphins, hormones that reduce discomfort and promote feelings of joy. Take to your yoga mat and stretch out the winter blues, while simultaneously infusing your mind and body with positivity and optimism.

    For added support, reach for our Yoga Mind Mouth Mist. This citrus-y mouth mist will keep your vibes high, while supporting a balanced, yet flexible body and mind. Perfect for powering through the final few weeks of winter!

    3. Dance away the blues

    Wiggle out the winter blues with a joyful, uplifting dance party. Whether you attend a live concert or dance wildly to your favorite tunes in your living room, a dance party is a surefire way to boost your spirit this winter. Wiggle your body, raise your vibrations, and dance away the winter blues!

    Looking for a dance partner this winter? Grab our Dance flower essence to get moving and dance through life with grace and brilliance.

    4. Turn off & Tune in

    Turn off from the overwhelming distractions of email, social media, news outlets, and electronic devices. Take a break from the incessant bombardment of information and tune into your own needs, wants, and desires. Create time for journaling, meditation, reading, and any other activities that allow you to turn off, tune in, and invite balance and equilibrium back into your life.

    Struggling to find ease and balance this winter? Try our Quintessential Balance essence blend. It is the perfect rescue remedy for decreasing stress, while promoting increased feelings of balance and stability.

    5. Take a trip

    One of the best ways to avoid cabin fever is to tap into your adventurous spirit and take a trip. A mid-winter trip will invite excitement, anticipation, and a welcomed change of scenery to the long, monotonous months of winter. Though it can be simply divine to travel someplace warm and sunny during the winter, it isn’t necessary. Even day trips to nearby locales can lift our spirits and provide a sense of adventure throughout the chilly winter months.

    Need help adapting as you venture out on your next trip? Reach for our Travel Solution essence blend to infuse your travels with comfort and ease. This blend supports adaptability while traveling and protects against electromagnetic radiation experienced when traveling via airplane. This blend is also great for those who experience altitude or motion sickness. The coca flower essence in this blend soothes motion sickness, altitude challenges, and jet lag.

    6. Stoke your creative fire

    The days of winter may be dark and cold, but the fire within does not have to be. Stoke your creative fire and burn bright with warmth by diving into a passion project this winter. Few things lift the spirit like inspiration and joyful self-expression. Revel in your creative passions to shake free from the winter blues this year.

    Seeking extra motivation to get started on your passion project? Stoke your creative fire and motivate for magic with our Project Catalyst flower essence, the perfect essence for bringing your passion project to life!


    7. Have a Treat Yourself Day

    The winter months may seem bleak, but the truth is that abundance is in our nature. Make time for gratitude and appreciation this winter, especially for yourself. Show yourself some love with a Treat Yourself Day - a day filled with your favorite soul-soothing, uplifting activities. Spa treatments, yoga classes, outdoor fun, creamy chocolates, coffee with your best friend - in your own unique way go ahead and treat yourself. Cherish the goodness already present in your life, while attracting more abundance and goodness your way!

    Ready to move into the frequency of prosperity and abundance? Invite our Prosperity Alchemy Spray into your life. It’s great for shifting our perspectives towards generosity and gratitude, while igniting hidden sources of energy, light, and prosperity.

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