The Extraordinary Red Tailed Hawk Experience.

Star Riparetti

A new friend, Monroe, has recently shared one of his many gifts with me ~ that of being a falconer. Monroe randomly showed up to my house one day and brought along a Red Tailed Hawk that he had rehabilitated. The hawk was ready to return to nature and we released him at my house together. That experience in itself was cosmic!

After the release, Monroe said that if the hawk was still there the next day I might want to give him a couple of chicken legs to help ease his transition. Indeed, the next day the hawk was still there, up in the trees. I went to the meat department at the grocery store (a place I haven’t visited for a long time) and bought the hawk some chicken legs and left them out for him. The next day the hawk and the chicken legs were gone.

A few days later I “just happened" to look out my window at the perfect moment to see the hawk land on my fence. I was amazed. I slowly walked out to see him. The hawk sat there and looked at me. I went inside and got my camera and he stayed there and let me take some photos. I wondered if he was hungry, and I still had a chicken leg left, so I went and inside to get it for him. While I was doing this I had a strong feeling to put a bowl of water out for him, which seemed crazy at the moment, since the lake is right there with plenty of water. But I listened to this feeling and I brought out the water for him anyway. Then I stood outside with the hawk (with the bowl of water at my feet) for at least 15 minutes. I stood there looking him in the eye and exchanging energy in an infinity symbol, heart to heart. It was one of those extraordinary, euphoric, peak experiences. After connecting with him for a while I thought it was time to go in the house and leave him be in case he wanted to eat. A little later I looked out and he was gone. The chicken leg was still there so I threw it over the fence for some other critter. I reveled in that experience.

The next time I saw Monroe, I asked him, “Why did you bring that hawk to my house to release him?”  He said because, “he was told,” then he said, “it was for you.” Hmmmm, well in that case I figured I ought to look up Red Tailed Hawk medicine.  Oh my, of course ~ it is all about VISION! After I read this I thought, too bad I didn’t make an essence. Then I heard ~ You Did. What? You put out the bowl. Well, that was a couple of days ago, I was sure it would have either evaporated or the squirrels would have gotten it. I walked outside and there it sat, pristine. That is your essence, I heard. The bowl was there all the time we were having that extraordinary heart to heart.

I LOVE the magic and the synchronicity, and continue to be So Super GRATEFUL!!!

The Marigold with Zinc, the Hawk Eye-Red Tailed Hawk, with the addition of the Andean Orchid ~ Anchoring Light, has made for a new constellation: VISIONARY.

Read the Marigold with Zinc creation story here. Read more about the Visionary constellation here.

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