Making the Eagle Essence: A Life Changing Arkansas Crystal Adventure

Star Riparetti8 comments

My recent trip to Hot Springs, Arkansas was life changing. Seriously life changing. A few months ago a friend forwarded a couple of links to some YouTube videos (see links at bottom). I watched them and immediately felt I needed to get to Hot Springs and get in the water there. Hot Springs is adjacent to several lakes, one of them being Lake Ouachita (pronounced wash-ah-taw). It is considered one of the cleanest lakes of its size in America. It also has one the largest veins of Quartz crystal in the world running under it. The gist of the videos was that the crystals in Hot Springs, Arkansas (as well as Brazil) were being activated at a new level beginning in 2015.

My feeling was get there, get in the water, receive the transmissions and get back to my lovely Santa Barbara. 4 days would be plenty. I remembered I had a friend, Kayse, there, and made some calls, and ended up putting a trip together with her called "Arkansas Crystal Adventure." 8 Women came, in addition to Kayse and I.

People would say to me, “ I can’t make it this time, and I want to go with you next year” or, "Do you think you will be doing this again?" Inside my head I was saying, No way: I’m going to make a quick trip to Arkansas for 4 days- receive the transmissions, and go home. The words that came out of my mouth were, “ You never know."

It feels like every single thing that happened was a divinely guided blessing.

We made our itinerary- which was amusing, since I had never been there. We scheduled a day with Kayse’s husband Gary. My feeling was that I didn’t want to hear someone talk all day, when I could be outside. I was saying maybe 1/2 day. Kayse assured me we would need at least one day. We agreed on a full day because  it is very experiential- with a trip to the lake after.

Oh My!!! How right she was!!!! We did not want to tear ourselves away. Gary is a Guru. A devoted meditator and devotee of yogananda for over 40 years, and a crystal wizard since he was 9 years old. He is a mining engineer, who immediately shifted to crystals after some amazing experiences with the crystal beings. Crystals are his life work and he has worked with every aspect of them.

His stories go on and on and we were all mesmerized- as well as activated by the crystal grids that he and Kayse set up for us. This is a very condensed version of what happened. Someday (soon) he will create a crystal temple with crystals he has been collecting for this purpose for the past 40 + years.

We began our journey with a despacho (offering) at the lake to bless our journey. It was beautiful.

Another divine thing that happened is that the week before we arrived there was a Kryon event right in Hot Springs, featuring Greg Bradden, Joe Dispensa and Bruce Lipton. There were 600 light workers there. Very interesting… Some of our participants went early and attended some of the events, and Kayse volunteered, so she knew what was happening, knew that the next week- the week myself and the others arrived, many of the light workers would still be there. She knew the Crystalline Choir would be singing special tones, and that they allowed an audience to attend. There were around 300 choir members. They sing what they call the Pineal Tones once a year, in different places on the planet. This year the chosen spot was Hot Springs, Arkansas.  I and several others in our group attended this.

Beyond words… Yes, way beyond amazing.

After that we really wanted to get back into the lake! Which of course we did.

And so the week went. On our last day beautiful Sandy Rose, who had been preparing all of our delicious, organic, vegetarian, blessed meals, invited us to go out to have our lunch on her boat, which would hold all of us. (Kayse’s boat is smaller, so she would shuttle us back and forth so we could hang out in the deeper water with foam noodles in the special places on the lake that she is aware of- after being there for almost 20 years.)

Sandy Rose wanted to take us to see a bald eagle nest, and perhaps, if we were lucky, we would catch a glimpse of an eagle. What happened thrilled and amazed us all. Not only did we catch a glimpse- We saw FIVE of them! First we saw the nest...

 Then we saw them flying...


Then we saw 3 of them on the beach (they really are there)...

Then we saw them landing in the trees…

Someone mentioned Eagle Essence- and everything inside me lit up.

I remembered that I had brought my empty bottle that day, to get some lake water. I had brought it to Arkansas thinking that I would make some crystal essences, and that wasn’t happening. And EAGLE was! I fetched my bottle from the boat, all the time asking for signs, and the Eagles would fly by. I got the bottle, went back to where they were on the shore, and made the essence. I then asked if I really had their energy to give me another sign. I was swimming back with the bottle, wondering- and all of a sudden it was like the finale at the fourth of July. They were all flying around, seemingly buzzing us. Giving me signs. Saying Fly Like an Eagle.


Fly Like an Eagle

by Steve Miller Band

Time keeps on slippin', slippin', slippin'
Into the future
Time keeps on slippin', slippin', slippin'
Into the future

I want to fly like an eagle
To the sea
Fly like an eagle
Let my spirit carry me
I want to fly like an eagle
Till I'm free
Oh, Lord, through the revolution

Feed the babies
Who don't have enough to eat
Shoe the children
With no shoes on their feet
House the people
Livin' in the street
Oh, oh, there's a solution

I want to fly like an eagle
To the sea
Fly like an eagle
Let my spirit carry me
I want to fly like an eagle
Till I'm free
Fly through the revolution

Time keeps on slippin', slippin', slippin'
Into the future
Time keeps on slippin', slippin', slippin'
Into the future
Time keeps on slippin', slippin', slippin'
Into the future
Time keeps on slippin', slippin', slippin'
Into the future

I want to fly like an eagle
To the sea
Fly like an eagle
Let my spirit carry me
I want to fly like an eagle
Till I'm free
Fly through the revolution

Time keeps on slippin', slippin', slippin'
Into the future
Time keeps on slippin', slippin', slippin'
Into the future


That brings me to the life changing part.

In addition to receiving all of the beautiful transmissions, and feeling like I got a complete reset, upgrade, reboot (to use those computer terms)...  I also got a strong message and feeling to go back to Hot Springs. Whaaaaaaaat??? California girl moving to Arkansas????? (I was born in Santa Barbara and I love it.)

I’m a 'follow your bliss' kind of girl. And- that Lake Ouachita is calling me. It was totally blissful to be in that water. Now I find myself longing for it. One way or another I’m going back to Arkansas. So there. I said it out loud. It feels like part of my new service is to help facilitate getting people into that water at Lake Ouachita. Kayse has known this for a long time. Kayse and Gary have been laying this foundation for the past 20 years, and it is now in divine timing, with the recent activations, for us to work together to get people there to receive the transmissions. So everything in my life is about to shift. I will still have strong ties in Santa Barbara, and I need- yes need- to be in Hot Springs. Well, that is a big leap of faith for me to write this, not really knowing yet how it will transpire. Perhaps it’s that Eagle Essence… I have a new perspective…

Photo Credit to Laura Walthers (

and Sharifah Manusia, for the photos of the eagles.


Here are the links to the videos that stated it all:


And here is a link to a Kryon channeling about the crystals, while he was in Hot Springs:



Gracias por tu compartir, estoy fascinada con toda la información que hoy descubro en tu blog….un abrazo
Marcy Russ
Marcy Russ
Star, I just read about this essence on your blog, and went to sit in my garden to meditate on it, and figure out if I should take it. I was quietly gazing up at the trees and the sky, and up came an eagle from the ravine across from my home. Woah! … but does that mean I should take the essence, I asked?… And then the eagle circled back and soared right over the top of my head, about 30 feet above me. Holy smokes!! I just ordered the essence to help me through a major life transition, along with Mother of Pearl. Really excited to take this essence and see what’s next!! A heart of thanks – full of appreciation for you.
Sue Nelson
Sue Nelson
I want to go! Keep me posted!!!!!!!! :)
Annice Crawford
Annice Crawford
May Our Heavenly Parent Bless you. I would like to take a trip there some day I do not know when Thank you for walking your Eternal path
Julie Greene
Julie Greene
Star, thank you soooo much for sharing your trip. Yes I so wanted to go, but the timing was not right. We are so blessed to have you in our lives right now. XOXOXO
JamesSteven Farnsworth
JamesSteven Farnsworth
Dear Star, Wow! World of Wonder! Thank You for this exquisite message and the transforming energies it carries! I am 1000% blessed by our connection in the One Heart. Shine on you crazy DiaMonad! JamesSteven-Violinist and musical therapist – In service to the One through the hearts of everyone. Namaste (Please edit as you best choose) Na Mistakes….right?!?
Gysela Gervais
Gysela Gervais
How fascinating! I’ve been wanting to go to this place for a couple years now…ever since the first teaching from Kryon about the crystals here. I knew they were there and assumed that you were part of that meeting. How interesting that you weren’t, and yet that your work is in such harmony with theirs…evidence of the pureness of both products, in my opinion. Best wishes to you through your uncertainty. May your leaps of faith be richly rewarded.
Carissa Luminess
Carissa Luminess
Wow! All I can say is Wow Wow Wow Star- This is so amazing, Thank you for sharing.

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