$ 20.00

Healing Past, Present and Future Relationships; Liver, Vertigo, Hearing

HeartGate: Oceans of cosmic love. Heart chakra stimulator. Helps to open your life to love and assists in maintaining love as it continues to grow. Rekindle past love. Heals pain of separation. Promotes compassion, empathy, and patience. Helps to recognize equality in relationships between sexes and races. Unity consciousness. Enhances leadership qualities. Radiates charm. Activates emotional well-being. Addresses vertigo and hearing. Also promotes ascension as it assists one to consciously align with the soul.

Anatomy keywords: larynx, lungs (asthma, emphysema, tuberculosis), heart, thyroid, parasympathetic nervous system, muscular tissue

Morganite is an ingredient in: Love, Lover, Beloved Spray, Beloved Anointing Oil.

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