Love Prevails!

Star Riparetti
Dear Beautiful Friends and Galactic Family~
We're sending BIG February LOVE to everyone! 
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Barbara, Satya, Karla, Star
Meet the Goddesses of Star Essence
As many of you know, Roslyn came in 2 years ago and saved the day, and—after a little universal nudge (aka a broken wrist, reminding her to slow down)—spent six months training Satya and Karla. Now, she's happily soaking up the sun in Florida, ready for visits whenever we need a dose of warmth!
So here we are:
 Satya & Karla – Our operations goddesses, handling shipping, bottling, and customer service. (They also do Kirtan, one of my very favorite things! - so it's a match made in heaven.)
 Barbara – Our technical guru goddess, (and much more) who recently traveled all the way from Kansas to help with our new computer setup and some other tech magic. Barbara has been supportive to me and to Star Essence for over 25 years, starting in Santa Barbara.
Happy Hearts! ❤️
I love February—Valentine's Day sits right at its heart, a perfect reminder to embrace love in all forms.
A Year of Shedding & Renewal 🐍
This Year of the Snake invites us to shed the past, release the old, and rediscover who we are NOW. It's a great time to open our hearts and step fully into love.
Essences for the Heart 💓
We've curated a selection of heart-centered essences to support you on this journey of love, unity, and renewal:
 One Heart  – Acceptance, Love, Unity
 Radiant Sensuality – Love Charm
 Emerald – Heart Chakra Activation
 Doorway to the Heart (San Pedro Cactus) – Opens the heart wider than ever before
 Intimacy – Graceful Vulnerability; Feeling Safe to Be Close & Seen
 Initiation of the Heart Light (Pink Lotus) – Ignite the Threefold Heart Flame
 Man Alive – A Vital, Virile, Invigorating Elixir
 Holly - A catalyst for Love
 Gold – Christ Heart Consciousness
 Love Lover Beloved Spray – Resplendent Bliss
 Beloved Anointing Oil – Enchanting & Provocative; Inspires Free Expression of the Heart
 Blue Lotus Temple – A Holy Sacrament
 Blue Lotus Temple Spray – Enter the Sacred Heart
 Brave Heart – A go-to essence in uncertain times
 Plant Love – For your plants (Spring is coming!)
🌿 Star Essences in Your Food? Yes! 🌿
A friend recently shared how she added essences to food while preparing meals, helping shift family dynamics with remarkable results. Many of these essences would be beautiful additions to your romantic Valentine's dinner!
Create your own trilogy of essences. 
Purchase any three essences 
from this list and receive a fourth one FREE!
(6 receives 2 free, etc) Just let us know your selection in the comments of your order (please don't add it to your cart, or you'll be charged).
This offer is good through Valentines Day February 14. midnight wherever you are.
A heartfelt round of G R A T I T U D E  to all of you—let's keep loving!
May you be inspired to revelry, glee, and rebellious JOY, and remember to live life exuberantly.
Let's shed the old, embrace the new, and move forward with love, light, and transformation.
Galaxies of Love,
Star and the Star Essence Team 💖
A Poetic Invitation to Self-Love 
As we embrace this season of love, let's remember the most important love of all—the love we offer ourselves. In the spirit of deep self-acceptance and renewal, we share this beautiful poem by Derek Walcott, "Love After Love"—a gentle reminder to return home to ourselves, to embrace the fullness of who we are, and to love the one who has been with us all along.
Take a moment, breathe it in, and feast on your life.

by Derek Walcott
The time will come
when, with elation,
you will greet yourself arriving
at your own door, in your own mirror,
and each will smile at the other's welcome,
and say, sit here. Eat.
You will love again the stranger who was your self.
Give wine. Give bread. Give back your heart
to itself, to the stranger who has loved you
all your life, whom you ignored
for another, who knows you by heart.
Take down the love letters from the bookshelf,
the photographs, the desperate notes,
peel your own image from the mirror.
Sit. Feast on your life.