$ 20.00

Nature’s Catalyst; Detox and Immunity

Also known as Rainforest Jasper. Transformative and earthy, Rhyolite resonates with Nature- and like the river, the wind, the fish, it keeps moving. This essence is like a tropical rainstorm, cleansing, quenching and offering a fresh perspective. It can help inject fresh life and impetus into one’s experience, or into a particular project one has been procrastinating on. Also like the natural world, it is about balance, and adjusting as needed to regain equilibrium. Areas it can help to harmonize include masculine/feminine, relationships, self-esteem, emotional wounds, aging/youthing, and past-lives affecting your current experience. It encourages you to set down your burdens and walk barefoot through the moist grass. It also, naturally, is a perfect ally for connecting with Mother Gaia and all her children, including communication with plants and animals. Grow free.

Anatomy keywords: detoxification, immune system, colds, diabetes, kidneys, liver, muscle toning, skin (rashes), varicose veins, hypoglycemia, diabetes