Andean Orchid Accolades
♥ Have a starry story or essence love affair of your own to share? Please Contact Us with your written accounts! ♥
"I am always amazed how quickly it brings me back to equilibrium."
- Anonymous, on Balance and Stability
"A customer was suffering from acid reflux first thing in the mornings. She looked up 'Acid Reflux' in our Repertory and decided to try Balance and Stability to address her issue. She has been taking the Quintessential Balance constellation blend (which includes Balance and Stability) in the mornings and is no longer experiencing acid reflux symptoms."
- Aanjelae, Star Essence
"I had a mother contact me about her 9 yr old autistic son who'd had seizures since he was 6 months old... about 15 major seizures per day. I've had good results with seizures in the past, but had never worked with anyone so severe. I created a custom FlorAlive formula and, as an afterthought, sent some of the Divine Child and told her to use it, as well. The child's seizures diminshed gradually over 21 days to about 2-3 very mild seizures per day. The child was beginning to communicate, was happier, and even significantly improved co-ordination. The mother was delighted. However, about 10 days after the formula ended, the seizures began to come back. I sent another FlorAlive formula, but it didn't seem to make a big difference, until I realized that I'd sent Divine Child along with the last formula. Once the child started to take the Divine Child, the seizures again stopped."
- Lori
"Whenever I take Divine Child I feel really, really happy! I feel safe."
- A.D., Fair Oaks, CA.
"Thank you very much for your essences! I had used them several years ago. But I recently was facing a very difficult transition. For a very long time I have been seeking my freedom. Your essence Freedom/Libertad is the perfect compliment, to my spiritual work and practices of the violet flame. I am in process of a major shift, and I thank you from the bottom of my heart. I will definitely continue to use the essences. They work! Thanks again."
- Beverly
"I have been using your Andean Orchids since 2000. They're my favorites and powerful friends."
-Eriko, Japan
"I recently used the Pineal Light Infusion essence in a session and was amazed at the energy that came into the healing room. My client had the most incredibly beautiful white light hovering over her head in the session... I am most grateful that this essence was made!"
- Kriste Messal (Star Essence Practitioner), Moon and Mist Vibrational Essences, La Crescenta, CA.
"Ancient Wisdom released a lock-up of neck bones that I have had for over 20 years. My chiropractor was very pleased."
- Carla
"Hello and greetings from the state of North Carolina! A friend of mine who lives in Tennessee sent me a copy of your brochure... I am very proud of you for the loving service that you are performing for Gaia. I see that you have followed your spirit without hesitation. My blessings are with you at this time, I am very drawn to the Andean Orchid Essences. I can tell they have a very high vibrational frequency about them. They somehow feel akin to oriental lilies, though of course lilies have been tinkered with genetically by humans. I assume that these are wild orchids but in any case, I want to bring them into my life. They call to me. Many thanks! May your path be strewn with flowers!"
- Sherry
"Dear Star, I was thrilled to receive the sample of your Anchoring Light yesterday! Thank you so much. I just wanted to let you know, I am a massage therapy student at Peninsula College and I brought your information and catalog into classes last night. Everyone found it wonderful, and fascinating. My teacher was thrilled. And, feeling very stressed before a pathology exam, some of my class took some of the Anchoring Light to help. We all felt very confident that we did well on our test, we'll have to let you know how we did! I would love to be able to work with you to become certified. Thank you again! Take care."
- Kim
"I thought you should know my skeptical teenage son asked for a flower essence and could feel Odontoglossum (Faith and Courage) right away. Now he wants to have his whole team take it."
- Network Chiropractor
"My husband bought me the Andean Orchid Essences for my birthday last year, and I have found them to be absolutely wonderful friends and comforters. I have enjoyed being on your mailing list too, for lovely items such as the one just received. Much love and light to you, dear sister."
- Jane, Cape Town, South Africa
"Thank you! Your essence collection is incredible! Thank you for helping these special flowers share their vibrations with us in this form! I began using your essences in late September, and the energy has been amazing. (I had been using other flower essences for many years). I've used several of the Andean Orchids... These essences are so different then the ones I had used previously. With some of the orchids I first experienced a slight crash after taking them, but I am now experiencing how, with frequent dosage, I am 'growing into' their particular vibrations. They are really helping me see/feel/experience the rhythmic pulsing of our energetic bodies. That has been important for my awareness. And, they are so joyful and fun! So, thank you, thank you, thank you, and many blessings! (Keep up the great work!) Peace always."
- Carli
"I have been using your flower essences for years and love them. High Frequencyreally has raised my vibration and I am so thankful."
"The orchids are the greatest of all the essences I've used- they are a part of everything I do now..."
- Linda, CA.
"Hi Sweet Star, Thank you so much for the beautiful gift of the Andean Orchid Flower Essences. They are really beautiful, and I use them often. We are truly blessed to be on Earth during this sacred moment of Her rebirth, aren't we? Lots of Love."
- Patti (Patricia Cota Robles), New Age Study of Humanity's Purpose
♥ Have a starry story or essence love affair of your own to share? Please Contact Us with your written accounts! ♥